Anti-counterfeit barcode labels can protect your brand
Cracking down on counterfeit products is a primary concern for brands around the world. Many consumers buy counterfeit products deliberately so that they can pay lower prices so it’s often only really you and your brand that suffers. Although it’s incredibly difficult, if not impossible to totally stop counterfeiting, techniques like anti-counterfeit barcode labels can be an effective way to protect your products.
Labels and packaging should be your first defence against counterfeit products. Using cost-effective tools such as tamper-evident labels and custom holograms can stop counterfeiters in their tracks and deter them from targeting your products.
Advanced 3D barcode labels
One of the smartest solutions for preventing counterfeiting is using an advanced 3D barcode printer system, this is suitable for products across many different industries from the pharmaceutical industry to food and electronics.
Although they do not work in the same way as traditional barcode labels, the barcodes work by embedding identifiers directly into the product. These can then be scanned using a device that deciphers the dents and reads the code using light.
Watermark patterns
When designing your packaging you could consider embedding watermark images or patterns into the packaging or paper. These can be used to authenticate products or other items like documents or currency. While there are generic watermarks, you can even design bespoke watermarks that include details like your logo or brand name.
Hologram labels
There are many different ways that hologram labels can be used to prevent fraud. From acting as a security label to features like tamper evidence and other custom solutions, they are one of the most cost-effective ways to deter fraudsters. You can find out more about how hologram label printing prevents fraud in our blog post on the topic.
Here at Hague Print, we provide specifically created products that are designed to combat theft, counterfeiting and alteration. Get in touch to find out the many techniques we can employ to protect your brand and its reputation. With our experienced security consultancy service, we can design products that counter fraud and help you to keep the identity of your products and packaging safe.